Creativity, Leadership, Focus, Adaptability, Collaboration & Teams
The birth of the 'Knowledge worker' in the 60's challenged the old industrial revolution mindset of 'work harder - produce more' in the traditional top down 'chain of command'. This new ethos of the knowledge worker is a shift towards a quality of creative attention in the moment. This new currency of progress - the 'attention economy' - is more about creativity, adaptability, flexibility, responsiveness, collaboration and meaning based on fostering quality of attention, rather than its more mechanistic and unconsciously driven counterpart, 'work harder.' The problem of divided attention Aside the ethos and related problems of ‘work harder – produce more’ staff are held hostage to the overwhelming amount of information and distraction vying for their attention. This results in the loss of creativity, innovation and efficiency compromising quality of well-being, team performance and personal connection with clients and colleagues. Presence; a systemic solution Presence is a quality of Being that is fully awake moment by moment to experience, with a natural focus which is connected to our values and purpose. As a consequence, Presence gives a streamlined and sustainable focus which makes available vibrant connection, creativity which invites possibility and opportunity. Presence offers an empowered way to navigate through the uncertainty of the work environment for high-performing teams and aware and discerning individuals.
Engage more fully with clients, colleagues and the task at hand with a sustainable focus of attention.
Meet pressures with a more balanced and stable sense of yourself.
Meet your inner critic with more compassion for more ease.
Work with a clearer, calmer and happier mind
Learn to connect better through Presence to recognise core needs of self and colleague
Enjoy efficient, effective and harmonious teams for an atmosphere appealing to staff and clients alike
Use Presence to enhance your leadership, management, team and work skills.
Foster a more creative and fertile space within yourself for enhanced focus, work innovation and creativity.
Enhanced connection skills between colleagues and high performance team collaboration
Increase your emotional intelligence
Enrich yourself in downtime with free meditations from the Meditation Bank
Develop strong, positive relationships for successful corporate affairs.

Corporate 1:1 Presence Coaching
A small part of your corporate life is dictated by what happens to you, the vast majority of which is dictated by how you handle what happens to you.
Living Presence Coaching gets to the heart of what it means to respond creatively and resourcefully to how you handle what happens to you.
A supportive, safe and non-judgemental space to share what matters to you.
Experience a paradigm shift into Grounded Aware Presence (GAP) for balance and wholeness.
Creativity, resilience, focus, clarity, self care, ease, calm, composure, approachability.
Informal mediation skills to keep the peace and enhance collaboration.
Become more creative with your inner critic for more choice.
Learn a rich tapestry of skills from Mindfulness, Nonviolent Communication and Focusing to meet your nmeeds.
Connection skills to enhance or repair colleague relationships for better teams, leadership and work skills.