Course & Coaching Helpful Information
Zoom Link (access Zoom now)
Access link to ALL sessions throughout course: We are using one and this same link throughout the course
Meeting ID: 863 642 0276
Password: ------------------
Find your local number: ZOOM DIAL IN NUMBERS
Invitation to join Zoom to Join a session
Just prior to the time of the session I will send you a link to access the Zoom conference call, although you can just USE THE SAME LINK sent to you on week one
If you have any trouble joining?
Text me on 0044 (0)7974817393
Or go through the Whatsapp group (to be set up)
I strongly recommend you join with a desktop or laptop computer (rather than phone, tablet, or iPad):
More functionality in Zoom environment
Easier access to harvest documents (that will gather collective insights and ideas).
However, if you only have access to iphone or iPad, its fine!
Don’t have Zoom? Download easily here:
Little or no Zoom experience? SUPER EASY GUIDE TO ZOOM for an easy, light and playful guide.
Values and conduct (& on Zoom)
Safety. Confidentiality. Privacy. Respect. Sensitivity.
The Zoom course can only function with integrity under the above values. Nothing divulged is to be shared outside of the zoom context, or even inside about another’s personal details unless with permission.
Stay authentic and true to you: in relation to the community, do what you are safe doing. You are also free to express your vulnerabilities and to be received with care and kindness, non-judgementally.
I invite you to be present for the guided meditation at the start of the session if you are able. However, life does not always offer us the luxury of choice, so don’t sweat the small stuff!
Zoom etiquette
Stay on mute unless speaking to reduce background noise and ease of hearing.
Wear earphones in a more public place to keep the privacy.
Principles of Facilitation
Following the Felt-sense in the group and individual: Although there are principles and practices to be shared and there is a structure, my priority is to be with the living energy of the group and follow that dovetailing content as we go.
Since much of Living Presence’s approaches are ‘caught not taught’ the learning process is emergent and non linear, arriving at an intuitive sense of it rather than a purely cognitive understanding.
All decisions are based on connection with the felt sense and not by consensus in the absolute sense of voting.
Fun and Play
These are supportive values important for learning, safety and connection.
Assortment of activities
To keep engagement, there will be an assortment of small group activities, interactive explorations, key points, guided reflections and attunements.
At all times you are invited to speak kindly, non judgemental and be supportive in a non-advice giving or fixing way through a deepening quality of Presence.

Zoom and Mobile Tips for a great Session

Coaching sessions (Zoom/mobile) are an hour long, an extra 5 minutes or so is given for arriving and leaving.
Courses (face to face or Zoom) can be anything from a one off two hour session to an 8 week course or even longer.
Get the Zoom app free software
Zoom Link (for all coaching and courses and opens directly into the session)
Meeting ID 863 642 0276 (if required)
Find a quiet space free from distractions, where you can be comfortable, and make yourself unavailable if possible to the world around you.
Arrive 5 minutes early on Zoom so you are in a relaxed and receptive state.
It’s worth investing in a headset or hands-free accessory, it reduces background noise and is comfortable.
If you are in a busy area, use your hands-free it affords privacy especially on a course where others may speak and wish not to be heard beyond the group.
Silence your mobile, even preventing the buzz of incoming messages (unless of course you have pressing reasons to not to).
If using Zoom, have phone handy, so we have a plan B and we can reach each other if there is a disconnect with the internet!
Have handy a sheet or two of paper and a pen, just in case!
Best case scenario is to create a bit of space and time for yourself afterwards so you can have a period of settling prior to meeting the world!
Payment Options

My Address: 32 Fen Road, Cambridge, CB4 1TX
(sometime overseas banks request this info)
Payments can be made via Bank Transfer or Paypal.
Bank Details
Simon McKibbin
First Direct
Sort Code: 40-47-64
Account Number: 90739723
I would appreciate ensuring that all transfer charges are paid to cover transaction, thanks.
Overseas Payments
IBAN: GB08HBUK40476490739723
Once you have made a payment: Please send email to confirm you have done so, thanks!
Cancellation of a Course
Focusing 5 Module Skills Foundation Courses
After the first module (and once you have started the second) you are committed to the whole course and the corresponding finances. You can opt out after the first module to see if it's for you!
Other courses
The option to defer the course once to a later date, not more than 3 months or below terms apply.
All deposits non refundable.
If you wish to cancel, the terms are, you pay
25% of the agreed fees, if you cancel between 2 and 4 weeks before the scheduled delivery date;
50% of the agreed fees, if you cancel the services between 1 and 2 weeks before the scheduled delivery date; but
Full fees if you cancel 1 week or less before the scheduled date unless we agree a different cancellation fee at the time.
Cancellation of 1:1 Coaching session
To be fair on my booking system 48 hours notice is required (so I can fill that slot) or the session offers no refund if already paid or duly invoiced.