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Embodied Relational Presence

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Recover a vibrantly warm sense of healthful and vital wellbeing

Have you ever wondered why the seasons don't get stuck? It is the natural order of things that life is in an organic flow.  Human's though, have a penchant for stuckness, blockage and getting into deep ruts, that are often seemingly impossible to get out of.  You tie a foal with thin rope to a peg in the ground, you have an adult that will walk in circles, believing that it can't be free for the rest of its life.

These depressions, anxieties, and places of chronic misery, isolations and disconnections are not the natural way of things, and believe it or not, the natural way of things invites a gentle melting and deep healing, a return to the relief of a spacious, breathing flow of life, the emergence of freshness at any given moment.  


​         Benefit from 1:1 Natural Flow Coaching and Training for - 

Inviting relief and forward movement to even the most stuck parts of yourself.


Cultivating grounded presence for meaningful relationships and personal growth.


Experiencing healing, creativity, and transformation directly.


Empowering you as a communicator and connector in all your relationships.

Embodied Relational Presence is the return of your body and spirit into its natural harmony. It is you in full connected relationship, with yourself, others, nature and the mystery - your existential point of freedom.  Once there, no effort required, the flow will take care of itself. It goes well beyond therapy and mere technique to allow for sustainable and deep transformation, providing relief and forward movement even to the most wounded parts.

These Presence approaches here will allow you to connect meaningfully and deeply with others, whilst inhabiting an exquisitely grounded self-awareness for a natural, organic in-depth healing and vibrantly warm sense of wellbeing, to become the calmest, creative, connected and most fulfilling version of you!


For a vibrantly warm sense of wellbeing -  become the calmest, creative, connected & most fulfilled version of you.


Grounded wholeness for

resilience, creativity & vitality

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Only connect - vision and harmony in your relationships and community 


Exquisite inner relationship for grounded and deep Presence

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How does change really happen?

I am struck by a story of Milton Erikson, (icon hypnotherapist) when he lived on a farm as a young man, in the 60’s, was befriended by a horse that turned up on the farm where he lived, seemingly from nowhere. So he went up to it and made friends with it, very gently connecting with that horse.


After reassuring and spending time, eventually he got on to it's back and said ‘giddy-up’ and the horse began to move, and it would stop sometimes and nibble a bit of grass, and then Milton would encourage it with another ‘giddy-up’ again, so they meandered along, and after some hours came to a fork in the road, and the horse just turned left and arrived at another farm. The farmer rushed out and exclaimed, ‘Well, my god, how did you get my horse back - it’s been missing for days - how did you know to bring it here?’ ‘Well, I just kept it company, said Milton. I did not tell it where to go, it just kind of knew it's own way home, I just kept it company.’

​So what will move your horse? It all comes down to authentic inner & outer relationship, fostering a deep empathic connection and resonance based on trust and safety.  


As Gene Gendlin from the world of Focusing said ‘Every part within us has it’s own healing ability innate to it.’  This in my experience is true. Radical.  Those horses love connection and affection and know what's is right for them from their own perspective. 

This is the key - honouring parts from their own unique experience and perspective, on their own terms - this is embodied and relational Presence. It's not enough to be embodied, it needs to be relational as well - this is what Living Presence is all about.

Imagine what it might be like to enjoy cantering and roaming the open plains?  After years of being bridled and blinkered!

Perhaps it's now time to accompany your horse home?  Leave the saddle and reigns, your horse knows the direction. 


Come, let’s journey together ....


Natural Flow Coaching
Be moved.

What are people saying....?

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‘Simon’s expert mindfulness teaching continues to give great support to the Cambridge University Mindfulness program, for which he is an associate teacher.  Initially during our research period, his ideas and many years of experience contributed to the content of the unique mindfulness courses delivered at the University. These were successfully researched over a number of years, with the results published in the Lancet PH'

Dr Elizabeth English
Cambridge University Mindfulness Program,
University of Cambridge 
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