Foundation Level NVC Course in Cambridge
The Princess, the Dragon and the Alchemy of the Inner Critic.
Service Description
Sat 15 (10-30 – 6pm) - Sun 16 April (10.30 – 4.30pm) 2023 “Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.” Rainer Maria Rilke Overview NVC course The basics of NVC practice and principles as inspired by founder Marshall Rosenberg. Whether more or no experience, this will enhance, deepen or introduce you to this inspiring, wonderful, life-changing approach to living and connecting. This course covers: A vision of NVC: What would make your life more wonderful, meaningful, and heartfelt? The purpose of Nonviolent Communication and the importance of intention Develop skills in grounded unshakability: Grounded Aware Presence. The importance of compassionate self-connection in relation to the inner critic. What is Empathy ....really? How does this differ from just hearing or listening? Appreciating of the language of needs - deeper values - and how this is deeply uniting Learn how to make requests, and to be creative and humane around receiving a ‘No’ Learn flexibility and choice in how we respond to any situation that triggers strong emotions for resolution and connection. How does the training work? Fun, play, safety, small group meetups, plenaries, interactive, emergent, exciting, community together-orientated and totally live is my style. There is plenty of room to process - there will be conscious pauses to breathe and settle, to saviour the experience and deepen connection - and enjoy connecting and learning in an easy and relaxed way, with some role play and tom-foolery puppetry! A unique hallmark of this NVC Training: Unshakable Presence My 'Living Presence' approach is a distillation of the three paradigms of Mindfulness, Focusing and Nonviolent Communication creating a powerful synergy that facilitates an exquisite inner relationship and an ability to come from a grounded awareness for deep, resilient and creative connection for an unshakable Presence. We are true in this training to the spirit and letter of Nonviolent Communication Cost £220 - £150 for the two days sliding scale according to means. As I would wish for this NVC to be available to all, concessions and payment plans are available if you are not able to afford the asking price in one go, or less financially able. Please contact me directly.
Cancellation Policy
Bookings may be cancelled or changed before the final 24 hour period, otherwise the full cost of the session is due.
Contact Details
07974 817 393